Bedwrecker Teaser #2 and Sneak Peak By Kim Karr

Get ready to get your Bed Wrecked! #KimKarr #Bedwrecker #JustALoveStory

“Life isn’t one giant poker game, Keen.”
“Isn’t it?”
I sip at my coffee and contemplate this. “You know, in some small way you just might be right.”
“It’s all or nothing, Maggie, all or nothing.”
I study him. His expression is impassive. The mask in place. “Is that how you feel about you and me?”
Like him, I'm a gambler, too.
And I know when it's time to bet it all.
I just hate to lose.

Displaying Bedwrecker last teaser tuesday.jpg

BEDWRECKER is a super sexy second chance, office romance! #standalone #novel #Romance#bedwrecker

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Release DateNovember 3rd
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Also, Kim is having a giveaway on her page for a $100 amazon gift card if you would like to go enter! Here is the link:


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