Tusla Pre-Order Alert & Sale By: S.L. Scott With An Exclusive Excerpt!!!!
Tulsa By: S.L. Scott is available for PREORDER for ONLY .99!! Steal this #Deal now and fall in lust/love the minute it goes #live - May 3rd
The price goes up on release day so don't wait.
Tulsa is a book full of romance, fun, love, smiles, swoons, and hot rock stars doing their hot rocker thing.
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Tulsa By: S.L. Scott - Excerpt
He looks at me again and says, “You know, if you dropped that good girl act you’re so determined to put on and just be yourself, you might find I’m not as bad as you think I am.”
“Two things, Crow. One. I’m not putting on an act. I’m who I am whether it’s in front of you or behind your back. Two. My thoughts on you formed when you opened your mouth. And just for good measure, I’ve added a third. I’m not like the women who fall at your feet or a groupie, so don’t treat me like one.”
He taps me on the nose. “Boop.”
My hands fly to the top of my head in frustration. “Don’t boop me, Tulsa.”
“I like booping you.” If I’m not mistaken his eyebrows waggle, and then he says, “You’re so hot for me the sexual tension is palpable. You’ve got a wild side buried beneath that uptight image you’re projecting. But like any good wizard knows, it’s not what’s in front of the curtain. It’s what’s hidden behind it.”
“Hot for you?” I scoff, but even he can tell it’s fake. I don’t even bother adding to this ridiculous discussion. I do not find his quips or his innuendoes cute. He’s annoying, and his good looks and badass drumming can’t save him in my eyes.
He will never get in my bloomers, so there’s no point in even talking about this anymore. I start back for the terrace, but stop dead in my tracks when he says, “Never say never, sweetheart.”
I whip around to see his eyes on my ass, sliding up to meet the ire on my face. “Never.”
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