It Ended With The Truth (Truth & Lies Duet Book 2) By: Lisa Suzanne is LIVE + Review & FREE in KU!!
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My company. My friends. The girl I love.
I'm forced to start over, and it's my brother who steps in once again. Working for his record label isn't how I imagined my life when I owned my own company, and life on the road only makes me long for everything the truth cost me.
Is there a way to reclaim what was lost to the truth?
Title: It Ended with the Truth
Series: Truth and Lies Duet #2
Author: Lisa Suzanne
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: October 11, 2018
Bestselling author Lisa Suzanne's newest duet features a fake relationship and enemies that might just become lovers.
Telling the truth cost me everything.
My company. My friends. The girl I love.
I'm forced to start over, and it's my brother who steps in once again. Working for his record label isn't how I imagined my life when I owned my own company, and life on the road only makes me long for everything the truth cost me.
Is there a way to reclaim what was lost to the truth?
It Ended with the Truth is the second book in the Truth and Lies duet.
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#1 It Started with a Lie
Free in Kindle Unlimited

Lisa Suzanne is a romance author who resides in Arizona with her husband and baby boy. She’s a former high school English teacher and college composition instructor. When she's not cuddling baby Mason, she can be found working on her latest book or watching reruns of Friends.

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My Review for It Ended With The Truth:
12/16/18 1:05am I finally finished It Ended With The Truth! This was my #13th book of the year!
I'm at a loss for words (in a good way) & all up in my feels! The Epilogue made me cry all the happy tears!! Coming into It Started With A Lie, I hated Brian. I didn't know if he could redeem himself.
Well, somewhere along the lines of reading this book, I slowly but surely started to not hate him & I ended up swooning & falling in love with him to the point, he's up there with Mark Ashton in a very close tie for my favorite book boyfriend! The ending made my heart happy! Brian has done a complete 180 & I couldn't be happier or prouder of him! He's cute when he's in love! Viv truly helped him become a better person! I think everything that happened, helped Brian grow as a person & was truly really good for him!
Mark always had his brother's back & best interests at heart! This is definitely my favorite read of 2018! I hope to get more of Brian & Viv soon! I need more of the VAIL World! I'm not ready to let go or say goodbye to that world yet or probably ever! I'm gonna really miss Brian &of course, Mark! I'm gonna miss Reese too & their little family! She is still one of my favorite heroines & she's funny! I love the different kind of relationship she has now with Brian since she's married to his brother! This book also gave me an inside look at what planning a tour is like & everything that goes into it, which is a lot. There are so many little details that go into planning it!
Brian truly said it best to Mark, "You really are a fairy godmother", which he really is! This book, even though it was Brian's story, made me fall more in love with Mark & gave me a peek into his life after The A Little Like Destiny Series ended! I loved that Lisa incorporated that into the story! Something that I loved was Brian & Viv each chose a word for the next year, such as Navigating & Gratitude. That is definitely something I need to start doing at the end of each year! I've learned a lot from this book! That is one of the many things I love about reading! I'm going to miss spending very late nights with Brian, Mark, Vivian & Reese, as well as the rest of the whole gang! I cried all the happy tears & felt all the feels! I do believe that had he not done what he did, everything would be different! Things happen for a reason! I’m so happy for Brian!
Well, somewhere along the lines of reading this book, I slowly but surely started to not hate him & I ended up swooning & falling in love with him to the point, he's up there with Mark Ashton in a very close tie for my favorite book boyfriend! The ending made my heart happy! Brian has done a complete 180 & I couldn't be happier or prouder of him! He's cute when he's in love! Viv truly helped him become a better person! I think everything that happened, helped Brian grow as a person & was truly really good for him!
Mark always had his brother's back & best interests at heart! This is definitely my favorite read of 2018! I hope to get more of Brian & Viv soon! I need more of the VAIL World! I'm not ready to let go or say goodbye to that world yet or probably ever! I'm gonna really miss Brian &of course, Mark! I'm gonna miss Reese too & their little family! She is still one of my favorite heroines & she's funny! I love the different kind of relationship she has now with Brian since she's married to his brother! This book also gave me an inside look at what planning a tour is like & everything that goes into it, which is a lot. There are so many little details that go into planning it!
Brian truly said it best to Mark, "You really are a fairy godmother", which he really is! This book, even though it was Brian's story, made me fall more in love with Mark & gave me a peek into his life after The A Little Like Destiny Series ended! I loved that Lisa incorporated that into the story! Something that I loved was Brian & Viv each chose a word for the next year, such as Navigating & Gratitude. That is definitely something I need to start doing at the end of each year! I've learned a lot from this book! That is one of the many things I love about reading! I'm going to miss spending very late nights with Brian, Mark, Vivian & Reese, as well as the rest of the whole gang! I cried all the happy tears & felt all the feels! I do believe that had he not done what he did, everything would be different! Things happen for a reason! I’m so happy for Brian!
I love this new version of him! They’re so good together! As usual, I was hooked with this book! Lisa continues to consume me with her words! Seeing Mark in this book, made me fall more in love with him! The Epilogue made me cry all the happy tears & feel all the feels! Lots of special things happen at the end that made my heart so happy, but you'll just have to read it to find out what those things are! This was my favorite duet of 2018! Book #13 of the year is finished! One of my favorites of 2018!! #BrianFoxHasMyHeart #HesAChangedMan #TheEpilogueMadeMyHeartHappy #ILoveTheFoxBrothers #TheTruthandLiesDuet #FavoriteDuetof2018
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